Friday, May 11, 2018

Make and Takes from Sayner

The Sayner Convention is several different companies showing their products.
Stampin' Up does not usually have a booth there because we aren't allowed to do cash and carry sales. 
Keep that in mind when you look at the make and takes. 
You won't find any SU! products on these.
Yes, I can work with other than SU! products. 
I would have done more but I ran out of time before it was time to do my class. 

These are the ones from the Round Robin on Friday night. 
Really nice selection this year! 

Two of these are fancy folds so here they are in the open position. 

Have you had a chance to check out the retired list and the discounted prices?
Click on the comment bar and write me a note telling which of the discontinued colors you are going to miss the most. Come to the Stamp Along on Monday and see a sample of all of the new colors to see which one will become your new favorite. 
If you do that, there might be a little surprise for you there! 

This is another choice for the SA on Monday.

The hostess code this month is 
Thank you!


  1. Made about half of those and then some others. Was a fun time!

  2. Carolee, it is a tough call for favorite color that is leaving but I have to say that Sweet Sugarplum will be missed most (but a very close second is the flirty flamingo and peekaboo peach).

  3. Okay then, if you mean regular colors as being those you posted in an earlier post, I would have to say I'm going to miss the Island Indigo. Love that shade of blue.
